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Monday, February 2, 2015

Fifty Shades of Deception

        I will admit I haven't read the book and there is a very good reason for that. I struggled with porn. It was years ago, but I know I am still susceptible, and I value my husband too much. My story was I grew up in a ivory tower, protected, sheltered from worldly influences (which is good, I'm not knocking ivory towers). When I was 22 the internet came out and I would hear phrases on tv, or wherever, and in my little mind I'm like "Is that even possible???" so I googled it.  BIG MISTAKE... there were pictures. I was at the same time turned on, repulsed and hooked. I would sneak a peek here and there. Then repent, and repeat.

        The bible says in Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks within himself, so he is." and in Matthew 5:28 "But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart."  So it can't be right to look lustfully at others. 
       Wait a minute there is a difference between appreciating something (eg. "Hello Sam you look nice today.") and stopping to lust after someone (eg. Hello Sam! I'd love to get you in bed!")  You may say, I might say the first, but I would never say the second... Yes, but would you think it? The problem starts with a thought. 
        My point behind this entire rant is where does FSOG take your thoughts? Have you considered that if you watch that movie, and then go home and have great sex, what were you thinking about while you were having sex? Yes I asked that, and I will go so far as to say thinking of someone else while having sex with your spouse is adultery. It may not be actual physical adultery, but it is emotional adultery.
Love the one you are with.
I did not marry this one because he was the one, I married him and he became the one. The only one for me.